Wednesday, December 14, 2011

so sweet

aku sedang ingin bercinta <3 wahahahhaa tgh x brapa btol... cmnilah aku kn??? hehehe nnt aku ada trip local government.. klu x salah aku kami p shah alam ngan putrajaya kut. on 2nd february 2012

okay straight to the point.. sbnaqnya entri ni bkn psai trip LG or whatsoever relates to my study. :D sorry i dont know why i cant type/write any word of my feelings. i feel it but i dont know how to express it. some of them assume this is why aku x kaple smpai skang. :| :( and myb ne pun mainan perasaan. :((  seyes sedih :| for the time being, what i know is the feeling that i feels is so sweet. and maybe i am the one who are full of love unfortunately , like i said early, i dont know how to express it. and perhaps i try but tkt dikatakan dan nmpak mcm gedik. almaklumlah, aku kn kasar. :( or should i says "hey there! i am the girl yg ada 1 cinta tapi byk kasih syg utk dikongsi. would u be mine?" wakakakkaak =))

ni je kut tuk entri kali ni tuk melayan lara (ewah! :D ) study kn? buang2 tension skit.. keh nyte!