Thursday, February 10, 2011

happy besday to me!

secara am nya sekarang saya da berusia 20 thn :D
happy besday to me or mereka sukakan ayat nbe
"slamat hari tua"
the incredible is dia wish dlu as i thought n hope actually
i didnt means anything when i asked some one to wish to 'him' happy besday
but something happen and blinnk! my phone ring as receive a message.
guess who?
it HIM
yeah my heart beat twice
my X wish me
but i know some one have told him to do so
of course his best fren and my sweet couple best fren tooo
first. how come u do thiz
second thanks.. at least u r the one who concern bout me a lot.
thanks fren
u r the bez fren i ever had..

thanks to momochan and maznim yg tak ketinggalan tuk wish bezday aku
n teman fighting ku siamang parkison ampeh!
punyo la tggu ko wish laz2 ko nyanyi lagu krimas kek den....
mmg ko la paling x ponah nk mengalah ngan den..
huhuhu =))=))
tp den x kisah pun..:D

keh sekian setakat skang