Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Meeting 19.02.2018

19.02.2018 It was my Etika Kemanusiaan Meeting. I admit that my presentation was terribly done. What a shame! Dr sendiri said that my presentation on JC Meeting (16.02.2018) was the great presentation rather that in Etika Meeting.. WHY? He asked which I never prepared answer for that question. after done with meeting, everyone asked what happen? i know Azlan n Eshal tau sikit2 coz depa lalu depan bilik meeting and dgr. i dont mind either. aku heartless ka aku pun tatau. yang pasti aku rasa numb n aku bear in mind yg ini learning process aku. So that i could relax. Lan said if he were in my place, maybe dia dah give up. kak said she want to cry. tp ntah kenapa aku x rasa apa2 sgt. mungkin aku letih. SGT2!

Today,(20.02.2018), Dr kalut ke sana sini and memang dia pesan suh aku baca jurnal n duduk opis diam-diam. hahahahah. apa yang jadi petang ni Dr masuk opis kami n cerita little bit apa jadi dlm meeting semalam. he did said " she was so strong defending her proposal but then she also admit byk kelemahan lagi. we will get thru this together. i promise"
lega la jugak.